Reference: PM0641
Thermo patch U.S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay
U.S. NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY shoulder patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing on or ironing.
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TOP GUN shoulder patch for sewing or ironing.
Shoulder patch TOP GUN. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing or ironing.
TOPGUN - United States Navy Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor Program (SFTI).
The training program is designed for active and experienced naval and Marine Corps air crews. Teaches the latest tactics and combat techniques using fighter jets.
The pilot who completes the TOPGUN course returns as a training officer to his operational squadron. Graduates can also become TOPGUN instructors later in their careers.
Reference: PM0641
U.S. NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY shoulder patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing on or ironing.
Reference: PM0004V
U.S. Navy Emblem velcro patch . Very good quality embroidery, suitable for wearing on cap, jacket, sweatshirt.
Reference: PM3821
USN BLUE ANGELS FLAG shoulder patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing or pressing. A Blue Angels flag patch can be a great way to show support for this iconic flight demonstration squadron.
Reference: PM5262
TOP GUN Fighter Weapons School shoulder patch for sewing or ironing.
Reference: PM3825V
USN SEABEES velcro patch Very good quality embroidery, suitable for wearing on cap, jacket, sweatshirt.
Reference: PM0245
TOP GUN shoulder patch for sewing or ironing.
Reference: PM0105
TAB U.S. NAVY patch, breast, manufactured under U.S. Navy license.
Reference: PM0004
U.S. Navy Emblem shoulder patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing or pressing.