Reference: CP00025
Tactical Black Cap
Very good quality black tactical cap, with a must on the front, top and back. Rounded visor. Adjustable size with a pate fastener.
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Very good quality, comfortable TOP GUN U.S. Naval Aviation tactical cap is an official United States Navy licensed product.
Very good quality, comfortable TOP GUN U.S. Naval Aviation tactical cap is an official United States Navy licensed product.
The cap is made of cotton twill, in a 6-panel construction, with a rounded, rigid visor, breathable and quick-drying. Adjustable size. Perfect for everyday activities.
TOPGUN - United States Navy Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor program (SFTI).
This training program is designed for active and experienced Navy and Marine Corps aviation crews. It teaches the latest tactics and combat techniques utilizing fighter aircraft.
A pilot who completes the TOPGUN course returns as a training officer to his operational squadron. Graduates may also become TOPGUN instructors later in their careers.
Reference: CP00025
Very good quality black tactical cap, with a must on the front, top and back. Rounded visor. Adjustable size with a pate fastener.
Reference: CP01716
Very good quality black tactical cap of the K-9 police corps. Rounded visor. Adjustable size with brass clasp.
Reference: CP00484
Very good quality, comfortable USSF SPACE FORCE tactical cap is an official United States Space Force licensed product.
Reference: CP00212
Very good quality, comfortable U.S. NAVY tactical cap is an official United States Navy licensed product.
Reference: JS063
Very good quality Tactical Khaki Camo cap, with velcro on front, top and back. Rounded visor. Universal size with circumference adjustment with Velcro fastener.
Reference: PM5262
TOP GUN Fighter Weapons School shoulder patch for sewing or ironing.