Reference: 2175400
Marine Corps Pistol Expert Qualification Badge
A USMC pistol expert is a Marine of any rank, grade or classification who has achieved the required qualification score in one of the service's prescribed pistol shooting courses.
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A USMC pistol sharpshooter is a Marine of any rank, grade or classification who has achieved the required qualification score in one of the service's prescribed pistol shooting courses.
Marine Corps Pistol Sharpshooter Qualification Badge is an original badge manufactured in the U.S.A. in accordance with applicable U.S. Government specifications. Approved by the U.S. Marine Corps.
A USMC pistol sharpshooter is a Marine of any rank, grade or classification who has achieved the required qualification score in one of the service's prescribed pistol shooting courses.
To earn a Marine Corps Pistol Qualification Badge, a Marine must successfully complete four phases of fire which include weapons handling, operator maintenance, stationary target engagement, and scenario based target engagements.
Badge is awarded based on the score achieved on Combat Pistol Program (CPP) training. Total points determine the classification of the badge (expert, sharpshooter or marksman).
Classification scores achievable at the CPP Qualification Shooting Course (from highest to lowest):
Expert: 364 - 400
Sharpshooter: 324 - 363
Marksman: 264 - 323
Unqualified: 0 - 263
Once earned, the qualification badge may be worn for the remainder of a military career, unless a higher level of qualification is achieved.
Reference: 2175400
A USMC pistol expert is a Marine of any rank, grade or classification who has achieved the required qualification score in one of the service's prescribed pistol shooting courses.
Reference: 2177700
Badge is awarded based on the score achieved on Combat Rifle Program (CRP) training.
Reference: 2177864
The Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) badge belongs to U.S. Marine Corps Aviation Insignia. Regulation size, gold finish.
Reference: 2177861
The Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) badge belongs to U.S. Marine Corps Aviation Insignia. Regulation size, gold finish.
Reference: 2188000
Parachutist badge for the United States Navy (USN) and Marine Corps (USMC). Miniature size, gold finish.
Reference: 2181500
The Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge is a military badge of the United States Armed Forces issued by the United States Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps. Regulation size, oxidized silver finish.
Reference: 4420210M
U.S. Marine Corps First Division OCP Patch is an original tab manufactured in the U.S.A. in accordance with applicable U.S. Government specifications. It has hook and loop fasteners (velcro).
Reference: 3441087
The Naval Aviator insignia is awarded to aviators of the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. Regulation size, NWU Type-II Desert camouflage.
Reference: 2180100
The Naval Aviator insignia is awarded to aviators of the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. Regulation size, gold finish.
Reference: 2175400
A USMC pistol expert is a Marine of any rank, grade or classification who has achieved the required qualification score in one of the service's prescribed pistol shooting courses.
Reference: 2177870
The USMC Raider "Dagger" insignia is equivalent to the U.S. Navy SEAL "Trident" in that the device indicates that the Marine is a part of the special operations community. Regulation size, gold finish.
Reference: 7081251
Proper etiquette for wearing the U.S. flag states that the star field must be displayed to the front. The U.S. Reversed Flag - Infrared Velcro Patch is designed to allow the U.S. flag to be worn properly on the right shoulder.