Reference: PM0121
Thermo Patch 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne)
The 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne) shoulder patch, manufactured under license from the U.S. Army. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing on or ironing.
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Special Forces De Opresso Liber Airborne thermo patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing or pressing.
Special Forces De Opresso Liber Airborne thermo patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing or pressing.
U.S. Army Special Forces - special units of the United States ground forces.
The official motto of the unit is the words De oppresso liber (English: to liberate the oppressed).
Soldiers of this unit took part in actions during the Vietnam War, as well as in conflicts in Iraq, Bosnia, Afghanistan and Haiti and Panama, among others. Depending on the politics of the country in question and the interests of the United States, the men in green berets assist the forces preventing a coup or support the rebels. The 5th Special Forces Group Operational Detachment Alpha (the so-called A-Team) fought alongside the 1st PSK in Iraq.
The meaning of the U.S. Special Forces shoulder insignia:
the arrowhead refers to the basic skills of American Indians, in which Special Forces personnel are highly trained,
the dagger represents the unconventional nature of Special Forces operations,
three lightning bolts - their ability to strike quickly from the air, water or land.
Reference: PM0121
The 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne) shoulder patch, manufactured under license from the U.S. Army. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing on or ironing.
Reference: 4519245
The Special Forces Group CSIB insignia is worn by all units subordinate to 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne).
Reference: DC0093
Exceptional vinyl quality, finished with glossy chrome sticker designed for use on car windows or bumpers. Weatherproof, water, sun and car washes!
Reference: PM0620
Special Forces shoulder patch, in desert camouflage, manufactured under U.S. Army license.
Reference: PM0518V
The U.S. ARMY logo velcro patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for wearing on cap, jacket, sweatshirt.
Reference: PM0364
Shoulder patch Special Forces Mess with the Best Die like the Rest. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing or pressing.
Reference: PM0121
The 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne) shoulder patch, manufactured under license from the U.S. Army. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing on or ironing.
Reference: PM3799
75th Ranger Regiment shoulder patch, manufactured under U.S. Army license.
Reference: PM0748
ARMY SYMBOL (DESERT) shoulder patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing or pressing.
Reference: PM0077
U.S. Army Special Forces shoulder patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing on or ironing.
Reference: PM0211
Special Forces Delta shoulder patch, manufactured under U.S. Army license.
Reference: PM0436
Shoulder patch 187th Airborne Infantry Regiment (Rakkasans) for sewing or ironing.
Reference: PM0968
U.S. Army Combat Action shoulder patch subdued. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing or pressing.