Reference: PM0179
Thermo patch 82nd Airborne All American
82nd Airborne All American shoulder patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing or pressing.
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The 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne) shoulder patch, manufactured under license from the U.S. Army.
Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing on or ironing.
The 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne) shoulder patch, manufactured under license from the U.S. Army.
Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing on or ironing.
The 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne) is a division-level special operation forces command within the US Army Special Operations Command. The command was first established in 1989 and reorganized in 2014 grouping together the Army Special Forces (a.k.a. "the green berets"), psychological operations, civil affairs, and support troops into a single organization operating out of its headquarters at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
The new command includes all seven Special Forces groups (including the five active duty and two Army National Guard groups), two Psychological Operations groups, a civil affairs brigade, and a sustainment brigade.
Each Special Forces group is designed to deploy and execute nine doctrinal missions: unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, direct action, counter-insurgency, special reconnaissance, counter-terrorism, information operations, counterproliferation of weapon of mass destruction, and security force assistance via seven geographically focused groups.
The meaning of the U.S. Army Special Forces shoulder sleeve insignia:
Reference: PM0179
82nd Airborne All American shoulder patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing or pressing.
Reference: PM0366
Army Ranger Mess with the Best Die like the Rest shoulder patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing or pressing.
Reference: PM0364
Shoulder patch Special Forces Mess with the Best Die like the Rest. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing or pressing.
Reference: PM3797
Ranger 1st Battalion shoulder patch, manufactured under U.S. Army license.
Reference: PM0097
The 101st Airborne Division ("Screaming Eagles") shoulder patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing or pressing.
Reference: PM0616
Special Forces shoulder patch, manufactured under U.S. Army license.
Reference: PM0967
U.S. Army Combat Action shoulder patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing or pressing.
Reference: PM0620
Special Forces shoulder patch, in desert camouflage, manufactured under U.S. Army license.
Reference: PM5321V
Warrior - Mess with the Best Die like the Rest velcro patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for wearing on cap, jacket, sweatshirt.
Reference: PM0748
ARMY SYMBOL (DESERT) shoulder patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing or pressing.