Reference: PM0616
Thermo Special Forces tab patch (subdued)
Special Forces shoulder patch, manufactured under U.S. Army license.
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Warrior - Mess with the Best Die like the Rest velcro patch.
Very good quality embroidery, suitable for wearing on cap, jacket, sweatshirt.
Warrior - Mess with the Best Die like the Rest velcro patch.
Very good quality embroidery, suitable for wearing on cap, jacket, sweatshirt.
Mess with the Best Die like the Rest - the saying has its roots associated with the US Army Special Forces, commonly known as the Green Berets in the late 1960s. The special forces community adopted it in the 1970s, and by the 1980s it was in fairly common usage.
Reference: PM0616
Special Forces shoulder patch, manufactured under U.S. Army license.
Reference: PM0748
ARMY SYMBOL (DESERT) shoulder patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing or pressing.
Reference: PM0097
The 101st Airborne Division ("Screaming Eagles") shoulder patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing or pressing.
Reference: PM0450
TAB patch in U.S. ARMY camouflage made under U.S. Army license.
Reference: PM0967
U.S. Army Combat Action shoulder patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing or pressing.
Reference: PM0622
Army Ranger shoulder patch manufactured under U.S. Army license.
Reference: PM3799
75th Ranger Regiment shoulder patch, manufactured under U.S. Army license.
Reference: PM0518V
The U.S. ARMY logo velcro patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for wearing on cap, jacket, sweatshirt.
Reference: PM3798
Ranger 3rd Battalion shoulder patch, manufactured under U.S. Army license.
Reference: PM0104
Ranger 2nd Battalion shoulder patch, manufactured under U.S. Army license.