Reference: PM0518V
U.S. ARMY Logo velcro patch
The U.S. ARMY logo velcro patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for wearing on cap, jacket, sweatshirt.
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U.S. Army Combat Action shoulder patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing or pressing.
U.S. Army Combat Action shoulder patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing or pressing.
The Combat Action Badge (CAB) is a United States military badge awarded to American soldiers of any rank, who are not members of the infantry or special forces, for their presence and active involvement in combat operations at any time after September 18, 2001. The award of the CAB badge is not limited by serviceman's branch or military occupational specialty, but is authorized for wear solely on U.S. Army uniforms.
The emblem features a rectangle supporting both an M9 bayonet and M67 grenade wrapped with an oak wreath, all in silver. In keeping with the spirit of the Warrior Ethos, the Combat Action Badge (CAB) provides special recognition to soldiers who personally engage the enemy, or are engaged by the enemy during combat operations. The bayonet and grenade are associated with active combat. The oak wreath symbolizes strength and loyalty.
Reference: PM0518V
The U.S. ARMY logo velcro patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for wearing on cap, jacket, sweatshirt.
Reference: PM0968
U.S. Army Combat Action shoulder patch subdued. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing or pressing.
Reference: PM0121
The 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne) shoulder patch, manufactured under license from the U.S. Army. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing on or ironing.
Reference: PM0620
Special Forces shoulder patch, in desert camouflage, manufactured under U.S. Army license.
Reference: PM0104
Ranger 2nd Battalion shoulder patch, manufactured under U.S. Army license.
Reference: PM0450
TAB patch in U.S. ARMY camouflage made under U.S. Army license.
Reference: PM0622
Army Ranger shoulder patch manufactured under U.S. Army license.
Reference: PM5321V
Warrior - Mess with the Best Die like the Rest velcro patch. Very good quality embroidery, suitable for wearing on cap, jacket, sweatshirt.
Reference: PM0051
Shoulder patch of the 187th Infantry Regimental Combat Team (Airborne). Very good quality embroidery, suitable for sewing on or pressing.
Reference: PM3798
Ranger 3rd Battalion shoulder patch, manufactured under U.S. Army license.